- 1984 - Present: Legal Affairs, Chair.
- 1987 - NJCSCA - College Referee of the Year
- 1987 - NJGC on PF & S Recognition Award-High
School Soccer
- 1989 -1997: NJISOA - Man of the Year
- 1994 - NJCSCA - College Referee of the Year
- 1994 - to Present - NISOA National Clinician
- 1995 - to Present - NISOA National Rules
- 2001 - NISOA-Robert Sumpter Excellence in
Teaching Award
- 2002 - Mercer County, NJ - Hall of Fame=1984
to present: NISOA National Referee
- Officiated 49 National Champ’ship Semi or
Final games since 1985
- NCAA D1 Men: 1991, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99
- NCAA D1 Women's 1996 — NCAA DII Men's 1999,
2000, 2001
- NCAA:DIII Men's 1991, 94, 97, 2000 — D III
Women's 1997, 98
- NAIA Men 1991, 93, 95, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 2001
- NJCCA Men 1985, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93,
95, 97
- 1994,1995,1996,2000 NCAA Women's DI
- NAIA Championship 4 Years
- World Intercollegiate Finals 2 years
- 2002 - NISOA/National Soccer Hall of Fame