National Referee Program Assessment Upload Instructions

Assessors must use this form to get instructions on how to upload NISOA National Referee Program assessment forms.


  • Download the most recent NISOA Assessment Form package from the NISOA Forms directory.
  • Review the FAQ as points of emphasis change.
  • Fill out the form as appropriate.
  • Save the file to your PC with a file name that includes the last name of each official on the form (i.e. smith-jones-anderson.pdf). Including the date in the filename is helpful but optional.
  • Upload the file using the instructions obtained below.
  • Email the form to the referee.


Starting in 2019, all assessment forms must be uploaded to the NISOA Dropbox account. Using the form below, Referee coaches will receive an email with a special link leading to the assessment upload instructions. The link is exclusive to each season and each NISOA region.

Video Tutorial:


Form to Receive File Upload Instructions