NISOA Policy Formation

Published on September 13, 2010


Many individuals have asked how are NISOA policies formulated and/or amended.    Any chapter or individual who wants to initiate a policy or revise a current policy submits the suggestion in writing to the Director of Operations.  The item is included as an action at the January Executive Council meeting.  The Council is responsible for reviewing the proposal and making a recommendation for the Annual Executive Board Meeting that is held in July.  The Board votes on the recommendation and then it is taken to the Annual General Membership meeting for final passage.

The Executive Council consists of the following individuals:  President, Vice President, Secretary, Past President, Executive Director, Associate Director, Director of Operations, Program Directors (Assessment, National Referee Program, Instruction, Interscholastic), and 3 Regional Representatives.

At the 2010 Executive Board and Annual General Membership meetings the following items were passed:

  • Revised Constitution and By-Laws – This was to update the documents to reflect how NISOA now functions.
  • Policy Code 300.25 – Officer/Committee Work Product Report – This policy was revised to update where the form should be sent and revise language.  The form is signed by all clinicians and others who hold various offices and indicates that any products they produce are property of NISOA.
  • Policy Code 800.12 – conventions, Clinics, Meetings, and Camp Expenses – The policy was updated to clearly indicate that proper receipts are required for reimbursement and obligations of individuals seeking reimbursement.
  • Policy Code 400.16 – Certificate of Appreciation – Policy was updated to indicate that any member or past member who contributes twelve or more instructional articles that are published should receive a Certificate of Appreciation.

At the current time the entire Policy Manual is being retyped so that it is all in the same format and all updates are incorporated.  As soon as this is complete, estimated November 2010, a CD or some other form of electronic posting will be made available to all chapter contacts.

4 Responses to “NISOA Policy Formation”

  1. How can I download specific a policy by entering the specific code?
    Tom Eames
    NOCSOA Secretary

    • The only way is to go in to the policy and cut and paste it. The document is not in a downladable format as of yet. Hope to have this in the future.

  2. John,

    Good day. As a NISOA member in good standing (SFISOA chapter), I kindly request a copy of all NISOA rules and policies.

    I notice above this was completed in November of 2010, so I assume this is easily sent.

    Thank you in advance,

    • New policies were approved in July 2013. The manual is under complete revision. Once complete, anticipate early December, it will be posted for everyone