NISOA Referee Training Camp

Field Training at the NISOA Referee Training Camp

NISOA is now accepting online applications for the 2013 Referee Training Camp in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania from July 7, 2013 through July 11, 2013. Various scholarships and grants are available for applicants as indicated on the application form.

The NISOA Referee Training Camp is a unique, four day residential training program that focuses on improving soccer referees at the interscholastic and intercollegiate levels.

15 Responses to “Now Accepting 2013 NISOA Referee Training Camp Applications”

  1. I was in the process of completing the application to attend the July 2013 camp and completed the essay but I’m unsure if the submission went through.
    Please advise.

    • Referee Training Camp applicants will receive an email notification when a complete application is submitted and accepted. Our records indicate your application was not received.

    • I am forwarding your information to the Camp Director to place it on the waiting list.

      • John, I am inquiring if there is a waiting list for the Training Camp this July. I am a firefighter/paramedic and have wanted to attend for a couple years and haven’t been able to get the time off work. I now was able to get the time off and find the camp full. I can’t win for losing. 🙂 Anyway, if you can let me know I would appreciate it. Thank You very much.

        Jim Cook

  2. Any chance of being placed on the waiting list? They should really open it up to more people if there is such high demand or figure a way to weed people out. Thanks!

    • Please provide complete name and contact infromation to my email address and you will be placed on the waiting list.

    • I am forwarding your information to the camp director to place your name on the waiting list

    • Please go to the application for camp page and complete and you will be placed on the waiting list

  3. Hello, I know that your positions are full but I was wondering if you might be able to place me on the waiting list.