C. Cliff McCrath – NISOA Executive Director
Have you ever been to Niagara Falls? Been drenched while cruising beneath the falls on the Maid-of-the- Mist? Tasted the hardback, sesame roast beef sandwich at Anderson’s – the original, fast food (real food) restaurant – THAT’S STILL GOING STRONG? Have you ever experienced MARK BUTLER’S hospitality at the midyear or annual NISOA meetings? If you have and you are already registered for the ACTUAL 50 year anniversary of NISOA’s founding then this message is not for you.
If you have not registered then please read on:
This JULY 17-20 NISOA is holding its annual convention in Buffalo…just minutes from all the above. Naturally, there will be the usual business items with the highlight being an exciting new proposal for regional realignment and special speakers from the NCAA. In addition, the always special Hall of Fame Banquet featuring award winners from past years as well as well as this year’s inductees. What’s more, Director of Conventions, George Wescott and host Chair Mark Butler – and his Buffalo crew – have been working tirelessly to make this convention the best ever. Indeed, there will be a grand tour of Niagara and other feature events – including a “must see” stop at Anderson’s! (I first tasted the Anderson hardback roast beef sandwich before NISOA was born and I assure you I will make more than one stop there this summer.)
All that aside, this message is an appeal to all members to consider attending this convention. I hasten to say that I am well aware that cost of travel has been a deterrent for many members who have to travel great distances. However, it occurs to me that within a half to three quarters of a day’s drive there are over 2,000 NISOA members…with approximately 500 within 2-3 hours drive.
Will you give careful consideration to joining us in Buffalo to make this convention the record-breaking event of NISOA’s history?
Download Convention Registration FormBook Convention Travel Through NSCAA Travel
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