NISOA Uniform Options

Published on December 1, 2018


Based on the overwhelmingly positive feedback and national adoption of the new NISOA uniform shirts and socks, the NISOA Executive Board has decided to retire the old “grid” style shirt in all colors and three stripe socks effective August 1, 2020.

Based on our historical recruiting and attrition rates, almost one-third of our membership will have received the new uniforms as part of their new membership package by August 1, 2020.The Board believes that having another full college soccer season as a uniform transition period will allow existing members to update their uniforms in a reasonable manner. This deadline also reflects the requests from some chapter leaders who asked for a phased approach to adopt the new uniforms.

As part of the uniform transition, our partner Official Sports International is working with the NISOA Executive Board to reduce the cost of a 6 shirt purchase during their Holiday Sale which ends on December 31, 2018. The full retail price of the 6 shirt package (3 colors, long and short sleeves) is $296.70. During the Holiday Sale, the price is reduced 20% to $237.36. Thanks to an agreement between OSI and the NISOA Executive Board, the final cost for NISOA members who are registered by their chapter for 2019 and want to buy the six shirt package, will be $200 plus any applicable sales tax and shipping. As noted above, this offer will expire on December 31, 2018 and will only be applicable for members registered for 2019.


  • Can I order online? No. You have to call OSI to place your order.
  • When will OSI process my order? OSI has a current list of NISOA members in good standing. Orders placed prior to December 31, 2018 will be held in order to verify registration for 2019.
  • What other color shirts are being planned for NISOA? None. We do not plan on adding any more shirt colors at this time.
  • I want to order three shirts. Do I get a discount? You will receive the OSI Holiday Sale price as long as the order complies with OSI’s requirements. The pricing agreement between OSI and NISOA only applies to six shirt orders.

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